Female bodybuilder Kristy Hawkins

Female bodybuilder Kristy Hawkins
Competes in: Bodybuilding/Crossfit
Lives in: Oakland
Height: 5′4″
Weight/body-fat percent:

140 pounds in contest shape and 165 pounds in the off-season. I don’t really know my body-fat numbers; I just go by how I look.
How much can you lift? 
I just started training for powerlifting and hit a 400-pound squat.
How long did it take for you to get this body?
I’ve been weight training seriously for 18 years.
How many calories do you eat a day?
About 2,500–3,000.
How does your body affect how other people interact with you?
I’ve been told I can be intimidating, but I’ve really never had a negative reaction.
What’s a surprising thing you experienced by having the physique that you have?
I always thought it was interesting how Women’s bodybuilding gave me the opportunity to get my hair and makeup done and feel very glamorous, do photo shoots, etc. I never would have seen myself that way otherwise.
Kristy Hawkinsin in wikipedia
picture for Kristy Hawkins

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