Training shock of the whole body

Training shock of the whole body 
Training shock of the whole body
Training shock of the whole body
Bodybuilding, dividing the body into units smaller and smaller muscle is to which is increasingly common. In fact, for most practitioners of the sport, distribution systems are in order to develop the mass and it rightly. But do not imagine that this is the end of good old casual sessions to bludgeon the whole body thoroughly from head to toe. Of course, many of the arguments in favor of a generalized training are purely pragmatic: it saves time, functionally, such training is as versatile as a Swiss Army knife when you're out and about; it is a "ready to use" system that requires little planning in advance. That said, the physiology of training also provides strong arguments for doing work sessions once the entire body. 
Drive full body in less than 60 minutes 
If you go to a general practice, we need every year, series, and rep minute really counts. This is the case here. With the exception of a brief warm-up, this session should take 54 minutes in all and for all, and that if you work in the high end of the range of reps. To this end, you will employ eight exercises to target the entire body with emphasis on "big" movements (squat, bench press with dumbbells, chin-bar), at least for the start of the session. This type of exercise arthritis is advantageous because it involves more muscles; in this sense, it overrides the single-joint exercises in terms of overall fitness. This training program is one based on supersets but with a modified approach: exercises grouped into doublets are alternately performed but with periods of rest between each. You'll have to rest because you do 8-12 reps and will spend 50-60 seconds each series. To be sure that you will remain in this range, we will tell you the rate at which the reps are to be executed. 
Training shock of the whole body
Training shock of the whole body
A program for all 
This fitness program can literally be used by everyone, from the novice to the most discerning bodybuilder, male or female. While this program will result in significant muscle gains for anyone who follows it, no person shall apply permanently. Distribution systems of training have significant assets, especially as you become more experienced, and it would be absurd to give up completely. Moreover, although the generalized program is complete, you will eventually get tired completely if you do session after session. That said, it has its place, whether for a change of pace, to save time if you are traveling or even as a casual way of preparation for a competition. 
Training shock of the whole body
Training shock of the whole body 
Execution mode of program 
Perform each pair of exercises as a superset changed. For example, do a set of lunges, rest 75 seconds, do a set of bench press, rest 75 seconds, do a second series of slots and so on, until you have done three sets each year, six in total. Then go to the second doublet and repeat the sequence. 
For each exercise, choose a load that leads to muscle failure at the end of the range of reps indicated. Once you can do more than 12 reps in any series of exercises, increase your burden that exhaustion occurs again within that range. 
Training shock of the whole body
Training shock of the whole body 
The rate is the rate of execution of each rep of a given exercise. Read in this order, the four figures show respectively the length of the eccentric phase (for example, lowering of the bar to curl), stopping at the end of this phase, the duration of the concentric phase (mounted bar) and finally, the bar maintains the end of this phase (top). 
Superset modifié
Fentes avant sur place38-123-1-1-075 secondes
Développé couché avec haltères38-123-1-1-075 secondes
Superset modifié
Soulevé de terre jambes tendues38-123-1-1-075 secondes
Traction à la barre fixe38-123-0-1-075 secondes
Superset modifié
Élévation latérales38-123-1-1-160 secondes
Triceps barre front décliné38-123-1-1-060 secondes
Biset abdos
Relevé de buste38-123-1-1-160 secondes
Relevé de genoux38-123-1-1-160 secondes

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