10 Minutes To a Sculpted Stomach

 10 Minutes To a Sculpted Stomach 
one thing you'il notice: all four of these exercises involve the plank. 
That's because when you get into this position, every single muscle in the core has no choice but to work. 
And when they all do, you're on your way to total tightening.Go throught this series six times a week, pairing it with 30 minutes of cardio.You'il see a major difference in no time.

1-Lunge and plank
star by kneeling :step left leg forward, coming into a kneeling lunge,with both hands on the floor to the right of left foot (A).Lift left leg out to back left corner of the mat,straightening right leg so right toes are on the floor , and press into a plank (B).Return to "A" repeat 30 times.
  2. Side sitting plank lift
Site on left hip with right leg extented straight out to side, left hand on the floor, right hand straight up in the air (A). Lift hips,coming into a side plank with right foot on the floor and left leg bent with left foot flexed behind you (B) .Lower back to the floor and repeat 30 times.
 3. Running plank 
Start in plank, with body in a straight line from head to heels. Bring left foot forward, tucking left knee in as close to chest as possible (A) . Return left foot to the floor, then repeat motion with right leg(B). Continue alternating legs in a moderately paced running motion.Do 30 reps.
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Every day, you get the chance to start over, using the next 24 hours as a new cycle of awareness. Examine your exercise ans eating choices to see how they've positively or negatively affected your body, if you blew it, simply work to make healthier decisions the next day .
 4. Single-arm split plank with knee tuck
Start in plank with legs open wider than shoulder-width apart , toes turned to the right .Make a fist with hand and tuck it into chest
 (A). Bend Lift knee, bringing it forward and across body while dropping right hand back to the floor (B) .Return to ( A) Repeat 30 times.

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