Get Fit and Lose Weight Fast For Summer!

Get Fit and Lose Weight Fast For Summer!
Summer is fast approaching and it's time to get fit! There are many ways you can set yourself up for success through healthy eating and developing a basic workout plan. It is important to minimize the amount of junk food in the house. 
In order to stay on track, you need to have healthy low calorie foods readily available. The types of foods you need to be eating have high nutritional value. Here are list of must haves: High fiber light bread, cottage cheese, bran flakes, nonfat yogurt, lean meats, and large amounts of fruits and veggies. 

High fiber oatmeal, english muffins and diet pudding are also great to have as snacks. Diet lemonade or various types of herbal teas with ice are a nice summertime drinks. 
Take a vitamin to ensure proper nutrients, in addition. Watch your portions and keep the total calories under 1700 a day.
You need to workout a minimum of 4 days a week for 30-50 minutes to lose weight. Try walks, light jogging, rollerblading or biking. Rent fitness DVD's from the library. 
Workout with a friend to stay on track. Consider joining a local gym or sign up for an aerobics class. Any activity you take part in will help you to burn fat and calories will assist you in reaching your weight loss goals.
Choose to make this summer a time to focus on health, fitness and overall wellness. You will feel better and will have much more energy. Summer is a time to get active and take advantage of eating the multitude of fresh produce. 
Some life style changes will take some getting used to at first. You will feel such a renewed sense of energy from eating better and from working out regularly. Make this summer your healthiest yet!

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