The Most Efficient Workout Program For Weight Loss
A right combination of regular exercise and diet plan is the only way to fight against obesity and overweight. Exercise must be made a daily habit. Regular, moderate physical exercise is good for the body, mind and spirit. It reduces the possibility of coronary disease, lowers blood pressure, raises the good HDL cholesterol, helps to control weight and cuts the risk of diabetes. It helps protect against stroke, osteoporosis, and certain types of cancer. And many people regularly turn to exercise to reduce stress. These are some compelling reasons to exercise every day.
Exercise is one of the most positive habits one will ever develop. It helps to maintain the metabolic momentum. This can be understood with a simple example. Your metabolism is like a spinning top. Once you twist the top it starts spinning at maximum velocity. But not long after our finger leaves contact with the top, it starts slowing down and eventually the revolutions decrease and the top starts to wobble. One has to spin it again before it loses all its momentum and topples over. By spinning it more frequently, the average revolutions per minute stay higher and the top never slows to a wobble.
Our metabolism works the same way. Exercise 'spins' our metabolism rate. Many factors affect metabolism but nothing else cranks up and maintains your metabolic speed like frequent exercise of sufficient intensity.
To make exercise a habit you have to give a specific time slot. There is no magic number for how long it takes habits to take hold. But it can happen as quickly as six to eight weeks. Once you start feeling the benefits of exercise, it will become your lifestyle. There should be enough motivation, determination and interest on the part of the person to make exercise a routine, daily habit. Once this happens 'fitness' comes very easily.
The most important aspect to achieve weight loss goal is to choose the right kind of workout program. Otherwise your effort will be fruitless. Turbulence training workout program is one of the most
popular and efficient workout system designed by Craig Ballantyne. This workout system comes in an internet package and includes a 128 page eBook and a one hour mp3 that details fat loss workouts and the philosophy of the program. This program is designed keeping in mind the requirements of both men and women.