Fat Loss Workouts You Can Perform at Home
You need to cut back as much as possible in these tough times. Here is what you need to do: get rid of your gym membership. Don't worry, I'm going to show you how you can effectively train at home with minimal time and equipment.
Lets start with a personal story: A few years back, I used to run every morning for 45 minutes, hit the gym after school, and practice martial arts twice a week for 1 hour sessions. I still was mediocre in terms of my martial arts skills, despite all the training, plus I had absolutely no muscular definition to speak of.
All of a sudden, my knees started to ache. I couldn't run for an entire week and went to see the doctor. He said that there was nothing really wrong with my knee. I was just suffering from an overuse injury. He told me to rest.
While I was resting, I began doing some more research. I had a lot of questions in my head. Why was my physique and athletic performance not improving despite all my hard work? Then all of a sudden, I found the answer: shorter, higher intensity training.
I began experimenting with some short, intense workouts and I was hooked! My fat started disappearing like magic. Not only that, but I was actually enjoying my workouts. They were challenging, fun, and always produced amazing results!
Now my workouts don't last too long. I rarely ever do cardio, and I'm ALWAYS hungry. My metabolism is on FIRE. For a guy who's struggled with his weight his entire life, this is big news. I've switched primarily to training at home with bodyweight and dumbbell circuits.
Not only am I leaner, but I'm more athletic, and you can be leaner, stronger, and faster as well. All you need to do is start reading up on bodyweight and dumbbell exercises. You also need to know how to perform some specific high intensity techniques to make your workouts more intense.