Fitness Workout Programs For Core Strength and Abs
If you want hard abs or a flat stomach but get bored with crunches and situps, an exercise ball workout could be the ideal solution for you. It is a great way to get your abdomen into shape and can also help with balance and toning up several other muscle groups at the same time with no extra effort.
It's fun too! Just don't forget to take medical advice before starting any fitness workout programs. If you a fit then this is not so crucial but it helps to keep you healthy.
A good exercise if you are new to the exercise ball is circling. Sit on the ball with a straight back. Begin with hands on the ball for balance, and later put hands behind your head (this makes it harder). Roll your hips in a circle.Do this some times then change the way around
Again you can begin with hands on the ball to balance yourself if necessary. Pull in the abs and lift first one leg then the other at a fast marching pace. Continue for a couple of minutes but do not forget to stop between the routines.
With these fitness workout program you can begin to tone the abs and core muscles, including the vital muscles in the back.
Now move to another fitness workout program with a ball. Begin by sitting on the ball. Have the hands against the sides of the ball. Contract the abdominal muscles and slowly walk the feet forward, lowering your back down onto the ball and keeping the hips up until you are in a bridge position with the shoulders and neck on the ball, knees bent, hips straight so that the back and thighs form a straight line horizontally.
Then gradually walk the feet back toward the ball and come back up to a seated position. Repeat 3-5 times if it is suitable for you.
The next program is Abdominal Roll.
Kneeling on the floor, put your hands on the ball in front of you. Arms should be straight. Pull in your belly button and tighten your abs, then slowly roll forward so that the elbows are resting on the ball. Back and hips must be straight, the body is leaning forward but in a straight line. Do not let the back become arched.Then push the elbows into the ball and tighten the abs and glutes to roll the body back up to a vertical position. Repeat 2-4 times.
The last fitness workout program with ball is Ab Balance.
Lie on the ball with the body in a straight horizontal line. Hands are on the floor, legs straight out, with the ball supporting your abs and hips. Pull in the abs and hold for 30 seconds.
Then slowly raise the right arm out to the side so that you are supported only by the left hand and the ball. Do not roll the body or raise the hip, and don't let the back arch. Hold for a few seconds, then bring the right arm back down to the floor and raise the left.This exercise is best done slowly and it is tougher than it sounds. Here you do not need to repeat it the first time you do it.