Insider Secrets to the Business of Teaching Yoga, Part 1
If you are a Yoga teacher, or thinking about becoming a Yoga teacher, the concepts contained within this series will save you money and, potentially, earn you a lot more money. How much money you want to earn as a Yoga teacher, is up to you. If you are willing to put in your time, marketing your Yoga teaching skills, the sky is the limit. None of us has to teach Yoga; we choose to teach Yoga because we love it and know the many rewards of steady Yoga practice.
That is why I pass on Yoga Business and Marketing information to my Yoga teacher interns, friends, peers, Yoga coaching clients, and competitors. Many great Yoga teachers are guilty of unwise business decisions, and desperately scratch out a living, without the proper business skills.
Speaking of Yoga business competitors, you would be better off to network with other local Yoga teachers. Some of the neighboring Yoga studios, in Providence, RI, refer prospective Yoga students to me, and I do the same for them.
You can't fill every Yoga niche and do you want to really try? Even McDonald's has a limit on the menu and we can all learn from this. Better to do one or a few things very well, than do nothing well at all.
"Yoga Business" - Is this an Oxymoron, a Conflict of Interest, or Blasphemy? Do you feel guilty taking a Yoga students' money? Why should you? What do your Yoga students expect you to live on? Would you feel bad paying for scuba lessons, skiing instruction, golf instruction, or a day with a fishing guide?
Of course not - because these instructors put in the time, practicing a skill, and are worth the money you pay them. If you have Yoga students who do not appreciate your skills in the same way - refuse to teach Yoga to them. You put in 200 or 500 hours of Yoga teacher training, worked on refining each aspect of teaching Yoga, and invested years of training as a Yoga student before that.
Yoga instructors deserve to be paid well. Continuing education courses for Yoga teachers, Yoga retreats, workshops, Yoga teacher seminars, books, Yoga correspondence courses for instructors, and Yoga videos are rarely free. If you join a local Yoga teacher association, or decide to become a registered Yoga teacher, that's not free either.
So, where does all this guilt about taking money for your Yoga teaching services come from? It comes from being a "giver." Yoga teachers are some of the biggest givers I have ever met.
Which is nice, and restores my faith in humanity, but Yoga teachers are also supposed to be a living example of quality life. You cannot support your family, pay your rent, eat properly, or receive medical care by teaching Yoga for free.