Athlete Workout Routines
Everybody automatically thinks that just because you're an athlete that life is easy as pie, but most people have to clue the amount of sacrifices they make in order to succeed. Most athletes spend their whole lives staying in peak condition to excel in their sport and to do this they have to workout just about every day.
The way they train in their athlete's workouts is going to be by far the most critical ingredient to their success. Even if you're not looking to become a professional athlete anytime soon, it's going to be important to study how an athlete works outs so you can take what works and apply it to your own workouts.
Most professional athletes workout until they're about to throw up, but that doesn't mean you have to. It's important to see how much you enjoy your workouts because if you drive yourself to the point that you hate your workouts, you're not going to want to keep doing them.
I wouldn't recommend copying and pasting an athlete's workout routine because it's customized for them and not for you. Be sure consider your own strength and stamina levels before you create your own workouts so you can keep progressing, but you won't drive yourself to the point where you hate training.
You'll never find a professional athlete who works out only every so often. In fact, most athletes train just about every day of the week. Staying consistent with your workouts is going to be one of the hardest parts of training like an athlete. After the initial motivation wears off, most people will completely fall off their training program and they'll be nowhere in sight until they get to the point where they're disgusted with their body. Find an accountability program such as a training partner or even an online workout forum so you can stay inspired to keep doing your athlete workouts.
Many athletes also fall into the realm of overtraining and they start to do more damage than good in their workouts. You have to make sure you're getting in enough resources into your body such as fluids and healthy calories so you keep up with your intense workout schedule.
You'll also have to make sure that you get enough rest in between workouts by not working out too often for you body to handle and by getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Overtraining can quickly lead to injuries and plateauing in your workout program.
Be sure to keep these things in mind the next time you're doing an athlete's workout routine so you keep getting the results you're looking for and not the one's you don't want.
Also be aware that just about every athlete out there has their own fitness trainer to help them succeed more. A trainer who can motivate and coach you to push your limits is an invaluable resource in getting in the best shape of your life.