The Benefits and Considerations of In Home Personal Training

The Benefits and Considerations of In Home Personal Training
There are many things to consider when choosing a personal trainer for fitness, martial arts, or both. One of the many considerations is having a personal trainer come to your home to take you through a workout. There are many benefits to having an in home trainer, but there is also some things for you to consider.
One of the benefits is the convenience. Think about it, no driving to and from the gym or studio, which also means no driving in traffic. No getting in your car sweaty, smelly, and dirty, in fact you can run right up stairs and take a shower in your own bathroom. That's right, no more grimy locker room showers. Have a home office? How great would it be to respond to email, take important phone calls, or check stock quotes in between exercises or techniques?
Having a personal trainer come to your home also gives you the convenience of time. The drive to and from the gym can take 10, 20, 30, sometimes 60 minutes out of your day. Those are precious minutes that can be put to good use by stay at home moms who are running around all over the place for the family.
In home trainers are also great for people who like privacy and/or anonymity. There are those among us who at times prefer not to be in the eye of the public and there are others who would just like to keep their training and exercise regiment private.
The type of equipment you need in your home depends on the type of workout you plan on doing. There are some training regiments that need very little in the way of equipment and your trainer may even be able to bring these items with him/her. But if you are looking for a workout using weights and machines you may have to have a room dedicated strictly to exercise.
Now the price of having a trainer come to your home varies. In general, in home or at home personal trainers are more expensive then trainers who work exclusively out of a gym, studio, or dojo. The reason is opportunity cost. A trainer who works out of a gym can schedule an appointment directly before and after yours. But a trainer out on the road must factor in travel time to and from your home as an opportunity cost he/she missed. They must also factor in gas, insurance, and wear and tear on their vehicle.

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