Yoga Lovers - Are You Stuck In A Rut? - Shake Up Your Yoga Practice Today

Yoga Lovers - Are You Stuck In A Rut? - Shake Up Your Yoga Practice Today
As someone who has loved and practiced yoga since 1998, I have a huge beef* with today's mainstream yoga 'industry'. (*with apologies to the vegetarians and vegans out there)
My beef is this: these days, far too many yoga studios pander to what's in vogue and trendy, jumping on the bandwagon du jour to give their customers what they think they want.
Sadly, this seems to be at the expense of giving their customers something 'different', while educating, informing and inspiring the ever-growing population of yogis and yoginis that there is a whole world of yoga out there beyond Hot Yoga, Ashtanga or Power Yoga.
I'm on a mission. And my mission is to help you identify if in fact you're in a yoga rut; to help you break out of that rut; and shake things up by introducing you to a bright shiny world of yoga, beyond what you're probably currently doing.
My personal experience/history with yoga started with my first Hatha class in 1998, in a non-descript little studio in a suburban strip mall. Back then, yoga was still quite fringe and not that 'trendy'. The owner and teacher, a middle-aged Englishman who had clearly spent a large part of his younger years hanging out with yogis and gurus in India, gave me what I know now to be my solid foundation and profound love for yoga that continues to serve me today.
And over the past 15 years, I have tried several other types of practice - Ashtanga, Kripalu, Iyengar, Restorative, Bikram, Jivamukti, Anusara, Kundalini, Moksha, Power, and Yin - feeling a natural affinity for some... and a complete aversion to others (just because it's yoga, doesn't mean that it's all great!)
I share this fact not to impress or dazzle you, but because I feel that most yoginis (and yogis) today are doing themselves a huge disservice.
Yes, I'm thrilled that you're practicing yoga, but are you stuck in a yoga rut?
Here are 5 easy questions to ask yourself to spot if you are.
Do you only ever go to Hot Yoga classes, or high-intensity Ashtanga, Power or Vinyasa classes?
Did you jump straight into the world of yoga through Hot Yoga without trying any other type of yoga beforehand?
Can you name 5 other different types of yoga? Have you tried one or more types?
Do you know how and when different types of yoga can benefit you (your mind, body and soul) and why?
Do you know where to find these classes in your city?
Not only is variety the spice of life even in yoga, but shaking up your regular routine and practice is a wonderful way to get in sync with what your mind/body/spirit needs on any given day, which is never going to be the same from one day to the next.
For instance, if you're feeling sluggish, a vigorous Ashtanga or Vinyasa class is exactly what you need to get your energy going.
In the Fall when it's cold, windy and wet and you're chilled to the bone, there's nothing better than the warmth of a Moksha or Hot Yoga classeAnd if you're a driven, intense Type A personality and have just done an intense 60-minute spin class, the best thing for your body would be a gentle yet highly effective Restorative class, or even a Hatha class, to gently stretch out your muscles... and not a 75-minute Hot Yoga class!!
Don't get me wrong. I love my Moksha (Hot Yoga) practice, but there are many days that, and in spite of living in a major urban center, I wish I had easier access to a Kripalu, Restorative or wonderful 'old school' Hatha class when I felt like it, and within walking distance. Unfortunately, it all boils down to demand and supply. Fewer people today are clamoring for Kripalu, Hatha, Kundalini or Restorative classes than they are for Hot Yoga or Ashtanga/Vinyasa/Power yoga classes.
In an effort to help you break out of your yoga rut, here's my personal 'playlist' of 5 different types of yoga for you to explore and shake up your routine.The key here is to try a different type of yoga class and see how it resonates with you, and then moving forward, remember to tune in to what your mind/body/soul needs on any given day, by opting for one of these instead of doing the same-old-same-old type of class week after week, which not only puts repetitive action stress and strain on your muscles and joints, but also limits the magic and postiive impact of your yoga practice in your life, on and beyond the mat.

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