Home Gym Workout Routine Setup Tips

Home Gym Workout Routine Setup Tips
A home gym workout routine offers you the benefits of no membership fees, no audience with all eyes on you, and no time lost in travel to and from the gym. The best news though is that it can be incredibly cheap to set up. Simplicity is the name of the game.
Start small and determine your additional needs from there
You may well find the benefits of your home workout routine mean you are able to get a lot more out of less. Lets face it, much of the equipment in the gym is just to justify the fee they are charging you anyway. You probably won't miss it. Besides plenty of people are in great shape without setting foot in the gym.
Setting up your home gym
1)Recognise the value of bodyweight exercises
There is a reason why some of the fittest people on the planet use bodyweight conditioning exercises. 
People such as the navy seals who are arguably the perfect combination of performance and looking fit and healthy. They have to be. Using the right bodyweight exercises will help you improve your body, and save money. Thats a win-win.
2)Get some dumbbells
Choose adjustable sets so you have the option of different resistance to work with. This way your program can adapt as you do.
3)Use an exercise mat
This will be your workout area; get the mat out to signal its "game time" and get your mind into workout mode. When your workout is over you can simply put the mat away and get on with living your life.
4)Consider a pull up bar
The pull up is perhaps the king of upper body exercises, and will improve your strength and conditioning at the same time as your looks.
5)Use a mirror
A mirror is not just for vanity but to watch for your form when performing an exercise. If its possible to workout in front of a mirror, you will benefit.
Tools bands and balls are optional, if you think you will enjoy using them they can add variety, but they are by no means necessary, so start with the basics mentioned above first. With this simple set up you really will have the foundations for a great home gym workout routine.

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