A Beginner's Workout Routine
It's that time of year again. Millions of people will be heading into gyms as they attempt to lose that holiday weight and then some. It's amazing how many people make it their new year's resolution. It is also amazing how many people fail to succeed and achieve their resolution (see Keeping that New Years Resolution Part 1 & Part 2). My goal at 20sfitness is to educate you on what to do and what not to do.
In this case I am going to give you a beginner's workout routine to start the new year. This is meant for someone who is new to working out and fitness in general, male or female. The amount of weight you use on these exercises is based on what you think you are capable of doing. Read more...
Basic Rules
Lift- 3 Days a week, Rest 3 minutes between every set, Once again, the weight you use on these exercises can only be determined by yourself. All lifting should be done in sets of 12,10 and 8.
Cardio- 5 Days a week, 30 Min Sessions on lifting days, 1 hour session on cardio only days. You can choose from an elliptical or a treadmill. However this does not mean you can sit and walk the whole time. Try jogging for 4-6 minutes and then walking for 2 minutes until the session is over.
Sunday = Off Day
Each exercise contains a link to bodybuilding.com which will show the exercise in detail with a picture.
Day 1 (Monday)- Back and Biceps
Exercise 1- Tight Grip Pull Ups. This will work your back and your biceps out in one exercise.
Exercise 2- Cable Pull Downs. This will work the lateral muscles in your back. Once again, the weight can only be determined by yourself.
Exercise 3- EZ Bar preacher bar bicep curls. These will focus on the top or arch of the bicep.
Exercise 4- Cable Rows. This will work out your mid-lower back. Sets of 12,10, and 8.
Exercise 5- Hammer Curls. These will help your biceps gain size. Sets of 12, 10 and 8.
Exercise 6- Barbell Rows. These will help gain mass in your back. Sets of 12, 10 and 8.
30 Minute Cardio Session
Day 2 (Tuesday)- Cardio Only.
1 Hour session on the treadmill or elliptical.
Day 3 (Wednesday)- Chest and Triceps
Exercise 1- Dips. This will workout your chest and triceps in one exercise.
Exercise 2- Tricep Pushdowns. These will help hit all three parts of the triceps. Helping you build the muscle evenly.
Exercise 3- Barbell Bench Press. The staple chest exercise.
Exercise 4- Standing Tricep Extensions. Another exercise that is going to help add mass to your triceps. Bigger triceps= bigger arms.
Exercise 5- Dumbbell Flies. These will allow the sides of your chest closer to your shoulder to grow and get stronger.
30 Minute Cardio Session
Day 4 (Thursday)-Rest Day
No lifting or Cardio. Relax.
Day 5 (Friday)- Shoulders and Legs
Exercise 1- Seated Smith Machine Press. With a little help from the Smith Machine, this will help you build big shoulder muscles.
Exercise 2- Barbell Lunges. Great for building up strength in the legs. A staple for building muscle in your calves and hamstrings.
Exercise 3- Side Lateral Raises. Another shoulder building staple.
Exercise 4- Lying Leg Curls. This will build up the strength in your hamstrings.
30 Minute Cardio Session
Day 6 (Saturday)- Cardio Only
1 Hour session on the treadmill or elliptical.
Day 7 (Sunday)- Off
Go to church, watch football, sleep in all day. This is a rest day.
This routine will allow anyone to step in a gym and start. It is not intimidating and will teach them the basics. Try it out and let me know what you think. Comments are always welcome.