A Workout Routine for Starters - Easy and Enjoyable

A Workout Routine for Starters - Easy and Enjoyable
In conversations I have been asked over and over again, how should I start exercising and which workout routine I should develop? So here are 5 tips how to increase your self-motivation to exercise and how to begin the easy way. When you like most people are pretty much out of shape and you feel a strong resistance to start, this is what you can do.
Start by performing the following deep breathing exercise. Researches have shown, that during exercising most people forget to breath deeply or they are unable to integrate their breathing pattern with the exercises causing them muscle pain and fatigue after the workout. So, in the first week and whenever you like, start breathing deeply. Inhale for 3 seconds, exhale for 3 seconds and start inhaling again after a short while. Take about 5 to 10 breaths as deeply as you can and in a slow pace. During a normal working day our breathing is very flat. The breathing exercise is relaxing and cleans your lungs. While you are breathing you can visualize yourself working out. Important: Use visualizations, which can become reality in the near future. Imagine you enjoy the fitness exercising and the satisfaction as well as the physical feeling you will have after exercising. You may also hear relaxing music while breathing. This way you quickly develop enough motivation to get started.
When you feel ready, do the deep breathing exercise and start by taking a medium fast walk for about 5 to 10 minutes, don't run. You should sweat, but at this stage you shouldn't be out of breath, while exercising. If you haven't trained your muscles for a long time, then this is enough for the beginning. While walking you can say affirmations like:
Every breath gives me new energy.
While breathing (walking) I connect to the messages of my body and mind.
My movements follow my body.
I trust the wisdom of my body and mind.
This way you slowly increase your physical tolerance, you expand your mind and you focus more on exercising. After walking stretch yourself, it relaxes your muscles. You can do this while taking a hot shower it contributes to the relaxation effect. This way you get a good start at fitness exercising and you develop a good workout routine.
After a week you may increase your walking time by 5 minutes every week, provided you feel comfortable doing so. Don't forget to breath before and to stretch after exercising.
Keep a positive attitude towards exercising even if there are weeks when you can't increase your walking time, your body is still progressing by building up the necessary muscle tissue. Researchers came to the conclusion that a slow increase has a longer lasting effect on your overall health, than a quick one.
Moreover it helps to collect friends while working out. You enjoy the exercising more and it substantially increases your motivation. The same goes for tracking your progress. Write down the days you are working out, the amount and the feelings you had while doing so. This way you create an enjoyable workout routine for yourself.
After a while you are in a better mood, get more focused in everyday life and you slowly get in shape.On last important tip don't forget to hydrate while exercising. It maintains the metabolism of your body.

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