Ab Workout Routine That Will Get You Ripped

Ab Workout Routine That Will Get You Ripped
You want to have a great ab workout routine, because you want to look good and ripped. Everybody should compliment you on your physical appearance and you will also be healthier. But if you've found that dieting alone simply isn't cutting it when it comes to ab definition, then here are a few beginner to intermediate ab workout routines that are sure to help you achieve that six pack.
Exercises you start doing on Monday 
The Bicycle (or Air Bike): Lie face up and lightly support your head by placing your hands behind it. Next, bring your knees into your chest and lift your shoulder blades off the floor without pulling on your neck. Rotate to the left by bringing your right elbow toward your left knee, then alternate by bringing your left elbow to your right knee. Continue switching sides, somewhat like a pedaling motion.
The Butt-Up Exercise: Begin a push up, but leave your elbows on the ground resting on your forearms (they should be at a 90 degree angle). Arch your back slightly, then raise your glutes up while squeezing your abs tightly and exhale. Lower back down slowly and repeat the motion.
The Ball Crunch: Lie down on your exercise ball, making sure it is positioned under your lower back. Next, cross your arms over your chest and contract your abdominal to lift your mid-section off the ball by pulling the bottom of your ribcage down toward the hips. Keep the ball steady as you curl up and then lower back down.
Exercises you do on Wednesday 
The Vertical Leg Crunch: Get down on the floor and make sure your legs are straight up into the air with your knees over each other or crossed. Now, you should put your hands behind your head and contract your abs to lift your shoulder blades off the floor. Keep your legs fixed in that position for a moment before lowering them and repeating the motion.

The Reverse Crunch: Lie on the floor and place your hands and arms beside you. Bring your knees in toward your chest until they are bent to about 90 degrees, keeping your feet crossed. Contract your abdominal to bring your hips off the floor, reaching your legs up toward the ceiling. Lower and then repeat.
The Plank: Lie on the floor with your face down, make sure to rest on your forearms, and your palms should be flat. Push up off the floor, resting on your elbows and raising up onto your toes. Keep your back in a straight line. Hold for 20-60 seconds before lowering and repeating the motion.
Exercises you do on Friday 
The Alternate Heel Touch: Lie on the floor with your knees bent and your arms along your side. Crunch over your torso forward to the right side and touch your right heel, holding the contraction for a moment. Go back slowly and do the same repetition with your left side this time. Continue alternating sides.
The Legs on Exercise Ball Crunch: Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and your feet resting on the exercise ball. Point your toes inward until they touch. Then, while resting your hands gently on the sides of your head, push your lower back down toward the floor. Next, begin to roll your shoulders off of the floor and continue to push down with your lower back. Hold the contraction for a moment before slowly going back down and repeating the motion.

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