Compound Workout Routines
For years I spent my time isolating one muscle group from another thinking that this was the best thing to do. It's not and, it is actually not the way the body was designed to work. Because, by isolating one muscle from another you are actually making them weaker in relationship to the other. There is no connection. As you can imagine, this got boring and I started looking for something new.
Then I started reading some things and discovered that most of what I had been taught about lifting weights was misdirected at best and wrong at worst.
I started reading about compound exercises and how, because they work multiple groups of muscles at the same time, they can actually throw your body into a metabolic shock and cause you to burn calories at a higher rate for days after.
They are actually better at burning fat than cardio and, just in case you don't think that lifting weights is a cardio exercise, just try a few dumb bell snatches. You'll be huffing and puffing in no time.
The following is a sample compound workout routine. Do two sets of each with no more than 5 reps for each set.
Day 1: Bench press, squats, clean and jerk, and dumb bell snatches.
Day 2: Dead lift, chin ups and bent over barbell rows, single arm bent over rows
4: Romanian dead lift (also known as the straight legged dead lift), renegade rows, pull ups and single armed curls using a straight bar to work your forearms.