Exercise Workout Routines

Exercise Workout Routines
I've put together what I think is one of the best exercise workout routines I've ever done for building muscle and burning fat.
The reason this is so good is because it works your entire body from different angles and different levels of intensity each day. It's much better than doing cardio exercises because it throws your body into a metabolic shock so that you are burning more calories at a higher rate for days after the workout. It will only take about a half hour, however, you will be exhausted afterward.
To build dense lean muscle mass I only do two sets of each exercise with no more than five repetitions in each set. Use weights that are about 80% of the maximum weight you can lift.
Because it is a four day routine you have some flexibility in the schedule. You can miss a day and just add it the next day.
Day one: Dead lift, chin ups, bent over rows. This will work your hamstrings, calves, lower back, forearms, traps, lats and biceps.
Day two: Lunges, military press, dips, dumb bell swings. The lunges work the leg muscles that the dead lift missed, the glutes and the quads. The military press will work your shoulders. Dips will work your pecs and triceps and the dumb bell swings will work your shoulders and your abs.
The other thing that all of these exercises do is to work your core which is your back and ab muscles so that you will end up looking like a Greek statue!
Day three: Romanian or straight legged dead lift to work your calves and lower back from different angles and at a different level of intensity. Pull ups will work your lats and biceps and shoulders but, again, from different angles. I also do single armed bar bell curls which will really work your forearms as well because they must maintain balance. Renegade rows will work your shoulders and really work your abs.
Day four: The bench press work the chest and triceps like the dips did on day two. Squats work the same muscles the lunges did through a different motion. Clean and jerks work virtually everything just as dumb bell snatches and will really leave you winded!

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