Spice Up Your Workout Routine
How many times have you started a workout routine that only lasted for a week? It is a common occurrence for both the health buffs and those who take casual work out. There's really no one to blame, because it is the body getting bored of your regular work out regimen, what it needs is just a little spicing up. Here are the different techniques to spice up your workout routine.
Do three instead of one
Instead of spending the whole of your 30 minutes on the thread mill, have 3 different sets of exercises, with or without equipments, and spend 10 minutes on each of them. This will excite your brain, and it will be a great way to come up with the same effects in a lesser amount of time.
Juggling two exercises together
This is usually called supersetting, and involves picking two opposing muscle group work out and doing both of them at an interval. It may be bicep curl and a triceps extension. This will get your body going and it will bring results in a faster time.
Repetition makeover
Add another set to your repetition scheme, instead of still doing 1 set of 15 reps. You can cut down the reps and add some more weight to further your progression. Having a thorough weight program does not only involve weight changes, it also involves repetitions, and rest time.
Do cardio while your in between
You can jump onto the treadmill and walk or jog for the minute in between while you are still waiting for your next set. This will help you burn more calories and pumps good amount of air to your system. This also will not heighten up your body for the next exercise.
Pick programs at random.
For the ease of starting-up, some gym buffs tend to choose the manual programs forgetting many other options to choose from. Pick the programs at random, as there are a lot pre-selected options available on gym equipments. In the end, you will give your heart and lungs the exercise that they need and burn calories at the same time.
Exercise change
A proper program needs adjustments every 4-6 weeks. The workout regimen that you have selected will bore your muscles out, as it goes up to this length of time.
The key is to challenge your muscles any way that you can, so that your progress will not come into a halt. Consult your trainer on what are the new movements that you can incorporate to your workouts.
The body getting bored in the progress of a work out program is no longer new to the fitness world.
There is really no need to kick the tire just yet, incorporate these simple steps to spice up your workout routine and you will not notice your program coming to an end. You will be able to enjoy your routine and see them as challenges to take on and not stay away from.