The Six Human Needs - Now Discover Your Strength And Improve Your Weight Training Plan

The Six Human Needs - Now Discover Your Strength And Improve Your Weight Training Plan
One of the interesting side benefits of creating the Metroflex Gym e-book has been in-depth conversations with many people across the United States in the bodybuilding industry. During my conversations with many in the bodybuilding world several themes recurred:
1) Financial scarcity. Many bodybuilders bring a fundamental lack of knowledge about finances, personal financial planning, setting up businesses, etc. This will be addressed in special reports in the upcoming weeks.
2) Politics. Many said that the sports, bodybuilding and figure in particular, are extremely "political." Some feel that an unfavorable placement in a bodybuilding show hurt them financially. If any of their claims are true, there are still ways to improve the odds of achieving success in the face of less-than-stellar judging. The outcome of many professional sports games have been affected by politics and less-than-stellar refereeing, and there are ways to win in the face of such adversity.
3) Lack of education in thinking like a business. If bodybuilders craves financial reward & fame for their efforts, they have to understand how the money is earned. There are ways to generate income from one's involvement in the industry; and to obtain it you must think about your involvement in the business.
4) Involvement with people who aren't pursuing excellence. This is a BIG one!! Paul Brodeur, a former world champion powerlifter and the man who first introduced me to Metroflex Gym (and trained with Brian over the years), once told me that all great champions do what they can to control their environments. This is a difficult task, no doubt, and I oftentimes wish I had listened to his guidance more closely! In pursuing your dreams, this may be a challenge for you as well. If so, I will offer some of the things that helped me begin to master my environment and you are welcome to use them if you find them helpful.
Metroflex Gym wants you to have as many of the "pieces of the puzzle" as possible; and we want to offer you anything we can to help you put those pieces together. Sometimes this requires that you do "Sets & Reps" for the muscle many of you don't want to exercise: your brain!
In some psychology circles there is a model based on what are called the "Six Human Needs":
1) Security (all aspects) 
2) Variety 
3) Love and Connection 
4) Significance (Attention) 
5) Growth 
6) Contribution
While this model can be disputed, I believe that it is an easy-to-remember model and it could be useful to you. Assuming that you can at least agree with the model for this article, we want you to benefit from reading the e-book and bonus e-books because they address the six needs in these ways:
1) Security. We want you to have information which has worked for the last twenty years and will work for at least the next twenty! Undoubtedly you will find things which work for you which we may not have mentioned. If so, simply let us know so that we can test it out and then let the rest of the Metroflex Gym family know about it!
2) Variety. There are so many fun aspects to weight training & exercise that you will have variety for the rest of your lives. Different training partners, training routines (as outlined in the books), competitions, increased energy to spend with family & friends, and meeting interesting people are just the beginning of the adventures you can have with weight training.
3) Love & Connection. We want you to be in the best shape possible so that you have health, vitality, and energy for the people you love and the activities about which you are passionate.
4) Significance & Attention. While the bonus book on free publicity can help you with this, we want you to use weight training to help you get the significance you desire. Whether you want a better physique to be more attractive, win a contest or a championship, get photographed by the magazines, or simply increase your energy levels and gain newfound respect from your peers we want you to benefit.
5) Growth. Apart from growing your lean muscle mass, we want you to grow as a person. Weight training is a wonderful discipline and has helped many people regain direction in their lives due to the discipline required.
6) Contribution. With so much confusion out there, we want to give you the best knowledge we have so that you can be an example for others and make their lives better by your efforts.
This article barely scratches the surface of a MUCH deeper topic. If you find this topic to be of interest please e-mail us with your questions and needs, and we can provide you with resources to further explore this topic.

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