Workout Routines at Home For Fat Loss
Want some great workout routines you can do at home for fat loss? Try this: perform a squat thrust, then roll forward. With this exercise, you're moving up, down and forward. This movement is actually basic gymnastics, and is a great fat burning exercise.
The reason I'm talking about gymnastics is because gymnasts have incredibly lean physiques, without lifting weights or doing lots of cardio.
Hence,take a lesson from these incredible athletes and start thinking outside the box. It's time to move past basicpushups, pullups, and bodyweight squats.
This movements just train your body to move up and down. In reality, you should be training your body to move up, down, front, back, and side to side. This is what gymnasts do, and the reason why they have such strong and lean bodies.
A gymnasts first concern is making their body stronger through challenging movements and improving their athletic performance. They build up their bodies by starting off with a basic movement and making progressively more difficult.
The biggest mistake people who stick basic pushups, pullups, and bodyweight squats perform is not having a steady focus on how to make these movements more difficult and multidimensional. It doesn't take much to make an exercise more difficult.

You can make it more difficult by adding in a backward roll or a squat jump at the end of the movement.
You know what, speaking of unique exercises, there's a great 3-phase fat loss system called the Bodyweight Blueprint for Fat Loss.