Workout Routines Using No Weight

Workout Routines Using No Weight
If your goal is lose weight, then you need to perform high intensity workouts. This is what burns calories and boosts your metabolic rate, not steady state cardio. Increasing your metabolic rate, or the rate at which your body burns calories, is absolutely crucial in for sustainable fat loss.
I want to give you a simple template you can use to develop some workout routines without weights. First, you need to choose your exercises.
 There are dozens of body weight exercises to choose from. But the main important thing is to make sure that these exercises challenge you.
Next step is to organize these movements into a workout. My favorite form of training is circuit training. Circuit training is where you perform four or more exercises back to back with little to no rest in between each set.
 Instead of choosing repetitions, I like to perform each exercise for 30-40 seconds, then move straight onto the next movement.
High intensity circuit training keeps my heart rate up, and thus makes my body work harder.
 The target heart rate zone is a complete myth and useless piece of information. If you want to raise your metabolic rate, you need to force your body to work harder.
There are two main ways to make your body work harder using body weight training. The first way is to choose challenging movements, as I mentioned earlier.
 Push ups, pull ups, and squats no longer challenge me, so I use unique and challenging exercises such as ellipse and one leg squats.

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