Achieve New Year's Success With A Training Plan

Achieve New Year's Success With A Training Plan
New York City is a very competitive environment. The competitive nature of its citizens is evident in business, as well as recreational activity. 
To hear that 88 out of every 100 people who makes a New Year's resolution will fail seems counter intuitive to the New York City mindset. It begs the question, why aren't more people taking steps to insure their success of their New Year's resolution commitments?
Barring the Boston Marathon and the Chicago Marathon, few events elicit the enthusiasm for running that is felt on the day the New York City Marathon is run. It seems that the whole city is geared up for this race that day.
 People specifically make plans to come out just to see a glimpse of the runners go by, fans marvel at the determination, commitment, and resolve that a marathon runner is exemplifying by running 26.2 miles over the hilly streets and bridges of New York City. There is tremendous respect for those who run and finish. There is tremendous pride and excitement by those who participate.
The amount of focus and training done for the New York City Marathon is intense. However, most people will never know the feeling of training for a marathon. For those people something else has to motivate them and keep them going.
 When a runner decides to train for a marathon, a plan is drawn up. In its simplest form it is a week by week training schedule of miles to run each week leading up to the big day. Translate this to the average person looking to stay in shape and the idea is no different. A plan needs to be implemented and executed.
Sadly, most people run down to their local gym on January 1st and join without making an assessment of what they want or need. They grab some gym clothes and hop onto the first piece of cardio machine. Looking around the gym floor, they may see some equipment they're familiar with, but as far as how to use it or how to incorporate it into their fitness program is difficult. 
The practical solution to this would be to enlist the services of a Queens personal trainer. A personal trainer's first priority is to help you achieve your goals. They will do this by listening to your needs and wants and then design a program to achieve them by using the facility and equipment available.

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