Muscular rest

Muscular rest
After your round, the acidic environment created by the lactic acid is buffered mainly by bicarbonate, which reduces or erases the pain quickly before tackling the next series. Simultaneously, fats are burned and converted into ATP, then bringing the creatine phosphate and restoring the rate of creatine phosphate, from which a return of energy to the next series. Cell degradation caused by the series you just made is to saturate the muscles protein that destroy even the already damaged structures. This inflammatory process causes a proliferation of white blood cells that perform many functions such as the elimination of which will be replaced by the new, more powerful muscle tissue damaged muscle tissue. It will take several days, but after 24 to 48 hours after your session, you should feel the effects of calcium and prostaglandins. All these substances accumulate in the muscle fibers, acting on nerve cells that send signals to the brain, is the way that this arises known as deferred aches persistent pain. 
Tips: Before your workout, take BCAA to limit muscle catabolism. After your workout, take whey and simple carbs to enhance muscle recovery and reduce muscle soreness differed. To speed recovery, you can practice a low-intensity activity such as walking, cycling or swimming. Massages also accelerate recovery.

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