Putting Together a Butt Kicking Workout Routine

Putting Together a Butt Kicking Workout Routine
I've taught kickboxing, boxing, cardio pump classes, and much more. Here is how I put together a really fun workout. I love to use a sports time watch. They are pretty cheap to grab, and you can get one at your local sports shop. You click the right button on the top to start the timer, and click it again to stop it. You can click the left button to clear your clock.
The next essential is to grab you MP3 player, and put some really motivating music on there that you absolutely love! Have at least an hour on there.
Always consult your doctor before starting a new workout routine. Now, for the actual exercises. I like to alternate upper body, then lower body, and then cardio. So, mixing it all in together. So, below is an example. You can substitute any exercises you wish, and always modify them to your own body and abilities.
Round One - 7 Minute Round.
Squats 1 Minute.
Bicep Curls 1 Minute. 
Jumping Jacks 30 seconds. 
Push Ups 30 seconds. 
Lunges 1 minute right side, then 1 minute left side.
Tricep Press 1 minute. 
Burpees 1 minute.
At this point, you can take a break for 2 minutes, or go for it, and repeat Round One again.
Round Two - 3 Minute Drill
Jumping Jacks 30 Seconds.
Scorpion Push Ups 30 Seconds.
Jumping Jacks 30 Seconds.
Dive Push Ups 30 Seconds.
Jumping Jacks 30 Seconds
Tricep Press Push Ups 30 Seconds.
You can Take a 2 minute break, or start the next round. But, you should drink 3 to 6 ounces of water every 15 minutes during exercise.
Round Three - 4 minute round
Wall Sits 30 Seconds to 1 Minute
Planks 30 seconds to 1 Minute
Handstand 30 seconds to 1 minute 
Jumping squats 1 minute
Rest, and now, repeat the whole thing! Have a blast!
I would love to hear what you think of this core workout. To find more workout ideas, go to Workout Routines.

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